Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011


It was Quinn's 2 month Bday so I had a great idea to get Marika to bake a cake.  

With a little help we managed to finish.  

Quinn doesn't actually get to eat any but it's the thought that counts right?  And more cake for me.  
By the time we finished I totally forgot to take a picture of the finished cake.  

Little Quinners loves her walks.  

Even though she really just sleeps through them.  

Saturday, June 25, 2011

How we eat dinner

We'll be moving soon, but I imagine the logistics will stay the same.  

Friday, June 24, 2011

Two Months and her new developments

She's two months old!  Quinn has only been in this world for two months, but it seems like so long ago that we were in the hospital giving birth to this sweet little girl.
Two months might not seem like a long time to us, but I guess it's enough time for her to know when she wants to be held by ONLY her daddy.

Lai Ying has seen her, held her, comforted her, and loved her everyday since she was born.  But last night... oh last night... She fussed and cried with Lai Ying while we were eating dinner.  As soon as daddy took her in his arms, Silence.  She stopped crying and looked so content.

In addition to only wanting to be held by daddy, her new 2 month old development is only wanting her mommy to feed her.  NO bottles!  At first we thought it was that she didn't want frozen milk.  But nope, it's those plastic bottles that she doesn't like.  She gets SO angry.

And this is how she looks after she gets the real boob.

Very very happy.  And a little milk drunk.  

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chaya Brasserie

She slept through her dinner at Chaya. She slept through her first dinner out at The Farm also. But I suppose that's better than crying.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

Nana's blanket

Little Miss Sung in Nana's Baby Blanket from when she was a baby!  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The dogs like her too :)

To our pleasant surprise, Baylee and Lucy were both unphased by the arrival of Little Miss Sung.  As you can see, they haven't changed a bit.  They still love to cuddle and need lots of attention. 
Both dogs like to sniff her and are very curious when she cries.  
As soon as Quinn is big enough to sleep in her own bed, I think the dogs will ditch us for her.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Not a blob anymore...

In the past few days little Quinn has gone from a little blob who just kind of looks through you to an actual reactive baby.  Not to say she's having conversations or anything, but it's amazing how much she's grown in just a week.  
Instead of the only sounds coming out of her being gas, she now makes a whole assortment or bird calls and grunts.  

It's pretty darn cute.