Monday, August 29, 2011

Recent fav photos, but no time to blog...

Quinn was wearing her cool 70s style swimsuit coverup, so Daddy had to put on Mommy's gold aviator glasses.  They're so funny.
She's been a bit fussy this last week, but how can you resist that face! 
She love's her jumperoo.  Mommy and Daddy get to eat breakfast without holding or bouncing a baby.
And lately she's been falling asleep in her bath.  She's very angry when we have to wake her up.
The view from my side of the bed.

Look at my two bottom teeth!  She's only 4 months old!
These two pictures were taken upon little miss seeing her daddy after a day of two mommy & me classes.  She did not cry in the car ride to nor from class.  I told her that her daddy would be very proud and would buy her a new dress.  She looked like this when she saw her daddy. 
Sold! We sold our first house. We are sad to leave it, but are happy with the new owners.  They are a young couple about to get married, just like Greg and I were when we first moved in :)  Many good memories here!
She loves to stand now... all the time.
And she likes being thrown in the air...
And she likes tummy time.... for a short while.
Quinn said, what does this guy think he's doing going to sleep?  I'm up and wanna go in my jumperoo. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Franklin Canyon

So the whole family made it out to Franklin Canyon.  Had a great time too.  But getting there kinda turned into an ordeal.  

We actually went to Runyan Canyon first.  And that was a disaster.  No one told us that on weekends it's a super duper hip scene.  (As evidenced by my use of super duper you can tell I'm not that hip).  The first sign of trouble was when we were about 5 blocks from where we thought the entrance was and saw people by the score dressed in their hip hiking gear walking towards the park.  Baby and two dogs?  We came to the park to hike, not hike to the park.  

Needless to say we spent about 5 minutes looking for parking and left.  Which was no easy decision.  See there's Quinn in her car seat who had yet to fall asleep, there's Lucy who has a carsick problem, and there's Baylee who just likes to whine whenever he's in the car.  And since Little Quinner's seat takes so much space we had to put one dog crate in the ass end of the car.  And since Lucy is the carsick one she got the good crate next to Quinn with the window.  So Baylee was relegated to the ass end with no window and no friends.  And he made us pay for it with his extra loud whining.  

So it was a super fun car ride.  

But once we got there it was great.  Open parking, no hipsters, and great weather.  Course getting there takes you through some lovely windy roads which Lucy really loved.  And she did actually leap out of the car and take a big old dookie.  At least she waited.  

And little Quinners had a great time.  Even loved getting her diaper changed in the Great Outdoors.  So all in all it was a great time had by all.  

Snuck this one in just cuz I like it.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh that's not good.

That's poo coming out the top of her diaper.  In the front.  Ew.

And upon closer inspection, it's a big one.  

Monday, August 22, 2011


likes to pull hair.  Hope she gets over it before she's a teenager.  But at least hair pulling skills will give her an advantage if she gets into any fights.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Our New Toy

It's the Mamaroo, but Quinn is undecided if she likes it or not.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Well actually just Greek food. But close enough.


Yes, those little white nubs are teeth.  And she's barely 3 1/2 months.  You can click on the photo for a bigger version.  And if you're not a believer you can come over and feel it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sleeping in the Big Bed

This is the view from my side of the bed.

And I wouldn't want to leave out Baylee.  But he's always down somewhere around the feet. 

Usually Little Quinners gets her second feeding of the night somewhere between 5-7am and sometimes if Mommy is a little sleep deprived Quinners may end up getting to nap there until morning comes.  

Looks like she's getting used to it.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4 days

That's how long it took her to poop. Little bit freaky but after day 2 of no poop the doctors said it would be fine and she would go just wait. And she did and it was huge and after the massive clean up she looked like this.

Monday, August 1, 2011

if only

she would be good and let daddy watch tv a little more...