Wednesday, January 29, 2014


She's got a sweet tooth.  

And we try not to do ice cream all the time.  So this time it was Blockheads!

(blogger still messing with colors, the green tint makes her look sick.  
It's not true to the image I have.)

She loved it.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ice Skating!

The kids were very excited to go ice skating again.

And Nini is super helpful.

Which is good when you have someone being very silly.


"look Nini!  Chips!"


Birthday Parties

Her finger got between the hammer and the drum.  Yeah, she was using a hammer on the drum.

More music time.  For a kid whose parents are not musically inclined at all 
she sure loves her music time.

Chasing bubbles!!!

And twirling her hair just like mom.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Grandad's Birthday!

It's always adorable when kids have a blast together.

Happy Birthday Granddad! (sorry something odd happening to the colors)

(eek. colors again)


I gotta say I was a little hesitant about sledding.  I mean she's not even 3.  
And at first she was a little hesitant too.  I fully expected to spend the day building snow people and the like.  I was wrong.  

Granted, she took like a 30 minute cookie and snack break before she went anywhere on the snow.  

But she LOVED it.  

Her super awesome cousins were really happy to take her down the on the sled.

But that didn't last long.  "Me do it aaaaall by myself."  And she really liked going all on her own.  She likes to be a big girl.  And when she's around her cousins she even just wants to be grown up.  

But they do have so much fun together.  

But the funniest part was that our little monkey didn't want mama or dada to carry her up the hill.  
Auntie Manda and no one else.  Which was a nice break for us truth be told.  I think Auntie Manda had to carry the little monkey up 4 or 5 times though...


She did give her cool Uncle Jemmy some carry time too.  Which was also nice for us.  

She's a good little monkey.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Capilano Suspension Bridge (Vancouver 2)

Everyone had a great time!

P.S. Remember, click on the photos if they're not big enough for you.

But getting kids to all look in the right direction is sometimes impossible.

Auntie Manda!

She loves Bears.

And she really enjoyed the bridge.  

And not scared at all.  Unlike Dad.  

She's a Champ.  Though shortly after crossing the bridge she ran out of gas and wanted milk and snacks.  Snack I had.  Milk I didn't.  We left a little early and she napped in the car.  Meh, whatever works.  

Vancouver 1

Vancouver for the holidays was awesome!

All sorts of fun stuff to do.  

Almost a great picture.  

She's such a little monkey.