Monday, May 26, 2014


There's so many birthday parties...but she always has fun.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Descanso Gardens

He's a good cousin.

They can't ever all smile at the same time...

Photo Bomb!

She's a brave one!

That's just trouble right there.  

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Disney Birthday Celebrations Day 2

Cha Cha and Rob came to Disneyland!!!

This is the 3rd time she's been on the Jungle Boat and never seen anything but the line.

But at least this time it wasn't Mama or Dada that had to carry the sleeper!
Thanks Rob!

Leaving stopped her in her tracks...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

And more Disneyland

Elbowing Donald in the ribs

It all started friendly

Then Donald started getting a little overzealous with Tommy's hat

Afterwards Tommy told that he almost elbowed Donald in the ribs but decided against it.  
Good choice

And Quinn gave her normal "don't touch me" hug.