Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Tar Pits (Page Museum)

There's a ton of photos so click on it if you wanna see it bigger.  (I'm a lazy blogger)

On with the show....

So we went to the Page Museum.  One of my most favorite places when I was little.

We met the brooksies who were very pleased to see us.

Rolling down the hill seems like quite the thing to do here.  And Tommy's brilliant idea was the "Double Roll"

Pretty Awesome.

He did admit it failed a little at the end when their heads collided though.

Justine is really really good about holding Quinn's hand when they go places.

Our little stinker wasn't scared of anything.

She loved all the animatronics.

Mesmerized by the saber tooth and bear fighting it out.  She may have say "nom nom" at some point watching it too...

Everyone loves Tommy

Mama tried to get her coin back so she could throw it again.  She's a good mama and does what she has to to entertain Quinnbee.  And if that means using the same coin over and over again so be it.

Tommy is such a good kid.  Quinn tripped and without even blinking Tommy picked her right up off the ground.  He got to her faster than even her paranoid parents.  Pretty impressive.

And he really tries hard to entertain her.  It's very cute.

Not often she talks to strangers.

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